Electronic commerce, to improve the quality of service provision, of the company “Negotiations and Services AMB EIRL” - 2018
E-Commerce, Process of buying and / or selling based on the use of the Internet and the WebAbstract
In a globalized, competitive world and where the only constant is change, organizations, regardless of type and size, including the "Business and Services AMB" EIRL, to address this reality must improve their Quality of Service Delivery and for this they must do Electronic Commerce, that is, they must make more and better use of Information and Communication Technologies and especially the use of the Internet and its main service the Web. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned, the present investigation has been carried out. The problem that has been formulated has been: To what extent does Electronic Commerce improve the Quality of Service Provision in the Business and Services AMB EIRL? The established objective has been: To determine to what extent the Electronic Commerce allows to improve the Quality of the Provision of Services in the Company "Business and Services AMB" EIRL. The proposed hypothesis has been: The Electronic Commerce allows to improve the Quality of the Provision of Services in the Company "Business and Services AMB" EIRL, to a significant extent.
Likewise, as a result of the present investigation, the following conclusion has been reached: The Quality of Service Delivery, based on Electronic Commerce in the second semester of 2018, has gone from a mean of 0.53 ha to 0.76, which means that the Quality of Service Delivery, based on Electronic Commerce in the second half of 2018, has improved significantly
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