Perception of learning systems and evaluation used by proffesors in Junin region
Education system, learningAbstract
This paper deals with the perception of education systems - learning and assessment applied by teachers in Junín region, the purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the perceptions of education systems applied learning and assessment for teachers in the region Junín. The research is descriptive and methodological descriptive correlational design responds to. The population consisted of students from the last grade of Secondary Education Basic Education Regular and the sample was represented by 300 students, selected by the formula of rule of three simple. The technique of the instrumentality of the survey questionnaire was used for data collection. Among the findings we are: With a level of α = 0.05 and 2 degrees of freedom significance concludes that: The level of perception of teacher evaluation is not associated with the gender of students. Statistically it demonstrates that women have better level of perception of performance evaluation teacher Junín region, a statement that is made for a 95% confidence level and 5% significance level. There is a difference in the frequencies of the levels of perception of teacher evaluation, to level α = 0.05 and 2 degrees of freedom significance. It is demonstrated by
statistical inference that there is an average level of perception assessment teacher performance in Junín region, a conclusion is made for a 95% confidence level and 5% level significance and 2 degrees of freedom. The students (2.87) have a higher score than the students (2.79) on 1-4 scale perception teaching performance of the Junin region, a level qualitatively equivalent to an average level on the scale both groups, this statement is based on the contents of the table No 4.8. Qualitatively the pupils and students have a perception of teaching performance in the Middle level 7 dimensions: Class Activity (2.95) Rating (2.94), teaching techniques (2.86), instructional media (2.16) Student participation (2.97), Motivation (2.80) and Techniques for the establishment of knowledge and skills (2.87), while the dimension poses the level of perception of the pupils and students is high, as it has a score of 3.10, the statement is made based table No 4.7
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