Influence of the critical thinking program on academic performance in mathematics area of Mine Engineering students at UNCP
Reading comprehension, Mathematical comprehension, Critical thinking, Academic performanceAbstract
This research presents a correlational analysis between the mathematical understanding and the critical thinking of students from I and II semesters of Mining Engineering of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, 153 students aged betwen 16 and 20 participated in this study. The sample used is not available probabilistic type, because it was taken as an analysis unit for general studies students.
The research is correlational descriptive. The instruments used were: Silva and Tapia Reading Comprenhension Test (1982) and Milla’s Critical Thought Assessment Test (2012). The results obtained are: low levels of mathematical comprehension, high levels of critical thinking. There is an insignificant relationship between both variables. There are also some significant relationships between mathematical comprenhension and certain dimensions of critical thinking ranging from 0.045 to 0.225. There were no significant differences per semester.
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