Strategies to the tourism development of San Agustin de Cajas disctrict in the province of Huancayo on the Junin región
Tourism Development, Tourism Activity, Strategies, Tourism Development StrategiesAbstract
The work is called "STRATEGIES FOR THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF SAN AGUSTÍN DE CAJAS OF THE PROVINCE OF HUANCAYO OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUNÍN" and it was proposed to propose strategies that allow the tourist development of the district of San Agustín de Cajas de la province of Huancayo of the department of Junín, taking into account that this activity is the main promoter of the economy of several countries worldwide, to later suggest joint strategies to increase the progress of tourism in the district of San Agustín de Cajas. The hypothesis that directs this work affirms that the strategies for the tourist development of the district of San Agustín de Cajas of the province of Huancayo of the department of Junín are those based on the cultural aspect, rural and rural agro. The analysis is based on the results of surveys designed based on 20 questions formulated based on the indicators identified by the European Commission (2017) and collected from the managers or owners of 111 analysis units between hotels and restaurants. To add information, three people experienced in the field were interviewed.
The perspective of the work is broad, the design of the research is not of an experimental nature, rather it is transversal descriptive. The most important results give light that the percentage of progress of the tourism sector in the district of San Agustín de Cajas is low, it is not defined precisely. The particularities of the development of tourism in the district of San Agustín de Cajas are the lack of political decision of the local government authorities, lack of an integrated tourism development plan, existence of a cultural and handicraft potential in the locality.
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