The teaching methods and learning of students of the Faculty of Science of Administration of the National University of the Center of Peru, 2018
Teaching Methods, Aprendizaje, EstrategiasAbstract
This research work entitled "The teaching methods and learning of students of the Faculty of Science of Administration of the National University of the Center of Peru, 2018" was carried out in order to understand the influence of teaching methods and the learning of students at higher level; the study addresses a general objective such as determining the influence of teaching methods on learning. The hypothesis that has guided the research has been raised as follows: there is influence of the teaching methods in the learning of the students of the Faculty of Sciences of the administration of the national university of the center of Peru. In the study the scientific method was used, the research was of a basic type, of descriptive explanatory level and the design of non experimental research was proposed, for the study teachers were taken into consideration, students and administrators. We analyzed a sample-work census of 34 teachers of the Faculty, the data collection was carried out by means of questionnaires of 40 items, with a level of significance of 5%, calculated through the linear regression statistic with the Fisher approach. Student performance during the year 2018 has also been analysed, using the Faculty’s assessment reports for the 2018-I and 2018-II semesters, which is part of this research. Among the results found, it is noted that there is influence of teaching methods in the learning of students of the faculty of science of the administration of the national university of the center of Peru.
Hollowing the conclusions, the following points have been made as recommendations: to develop, train and specialize teachers at all levels, categories and conditions, as well as administrative staff. Develop permanent programs aimed at teachers in personal university interaction, evaluation, research and management In this process the actors must commit themselves to the continuous improvement of the university work, or that has to pass through stages that lead to accreditation and certification. As one of the critical stages, self evaluation has been initiated, despite the existence of limitations
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