Management based on entrepreneurism for Mypes that allows its entrepreneurial development
Business Management, Development and MicroenterprisesAbstract
This research entitled Entrepreneurial management based on entrepreneurship for mypes that allows business development, had as a general objective to explain how business management based on entrepreneurship for Mypes allows their business development, in order to propose an improvement proposal for the management variable business that affects the results of the development of the company; The general hypothesis was that entrepreneurial management based on entrepreneurship for Mypes allows for business development, having a convenience sample of 17 microenterprises, for which two data collection instruments were developed, where the first questionnaire for the variable independent, business management, consisting of 60 items, and the second questionnaire for the dependent variable, business development, consisting of 5 items, it should be noted that such questionnaires were formulated taking into account the dimensions of each variable analyzed; where the data collected were subsequently sorted by a tripartite matrix. To test the hypothesis, the chi square independence test was used to validate the general hypothesis and the specific hypothesis, since the present thesis is of explanatory research level, its variables are nominal and the sample was of 17 microenterprises reaching the conclusion that entrepreneurial management based on entrepreneurship for Mypes allows their business development (chi square = 16.661; Sig = 0.000).
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