Social work and resilience in the event of pregnancy in adolescents of the Picoaza educational unit
Teen Pregnancy; Social work; Resilience in students; Professional interventionAbstract
Social Work is one of the disciplines whose practices address the problem of adolescent pregnancy in a comprehensive manner. The objective was to identify Social Work and resilience in cases of pregnancy in adolescents in the educational unit Picoaza, Ecuador. The research considered the scientific, deductive and analytical method, descriptive level with qualitative approach, the interview guide and the Resilience Scale SV-RES of Eugenio Saavedra Guajardo and Marcos Villalta Paucar were used as an instrument, which was applied online to the Social Worker of the Student Counseling Department DECE and pregnant students. According to the results, 53% of students consider themselves to have values, which allows identifying an adequate state of acceptance, while with 27% an important group considers themselves fearful or weak, which can give guidelines to possible behavioral imbalances, with 13% they indicate being brave and having strength and with 7% they consider themselves optimistic before any change in their lives. On the other hand, the actions developed by the social work professional of the educational unit should be coordinated with the professional technical team of the student welfare department, who together develop strategies to promote self-esteem.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eva Alcivar Medranda, Tania Liceth Zamora Zambrano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.