The internal control and management of the Comprehensive Health System in the Hospital Regional Docente Materno Infantil “El Carmen”


  • Rosa Violeta Munguía Palacios National University of the Center of Peru
  • David Javier García Puente National University of the Center of Peru



Internal Control, Integral Health System Management, Control Components, Control Rules, Transfers, Subsidies, Budget Allocation


The present investigation, named “Internal control and management of the Sistema Integral de Salud in the Hospital Regional Docente Materno Infantil”, studies a health facility III-E, which is aligned with one of the objectives of the millennium. The service emerges as a priority, in fornt of a new care form under the modality of the Sistema de Salud Integral, widening the subsidies universe to beneficiaries; attentions that become a new funding source. It is important now, since it means 98 % of covered patients.

It is necessary to supervise and manage the internal control, to incide in the achievement of hospital objectives based on improving coverage with an efficient user service, increase disbursements due to SIS transfers, which are converted into budget allocations, historically based on the fact that since 2012 it has grown on a reason of 115 % until 2015.

It is an applied research, where the area activities were worked on, identifying each control component in the management of the Sistema Integral de Salud of the hospital; through diagnosing of system elements, in the tasks of the Insurance and Related Services Area, through the application of norms, review of management documents, application of questionnaires and interview guides to officials and servers, in order to obtain the workers response, the same which served for the analysis of data of the qualitative variables through observation, content analysis, reaching the conclusion that the implementation level of the control norms are associated with compliance levels of the components of the same internal control system in the SIS procedures. Consequently, full compliance with the nomrs is important and therefore their activities improve, obtaining a clear perspective of the current situation; It is possible to detect management gaps and propose substantial improvements in the hospital management of the different areas involved.


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Author Biographies

  • Rosa Violeta Munguía Palacios, National University of the Center of Peru

    Professor of the Faculty of Accounting

  • David Javier García Puente, National University of the Center of Peru

    Professor of the Faculty of Accounting


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

The internal control and management of the Comprehensive Health System in the Hospital Regional Docente Materno Infantil “El Carmen”. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 61-69.