Seroconversion of bovine viral diarrhea and neosporosis and productive and reproductive implications in cows in the EEA El Mantaro-UNCP, Junín region, Perú


  • Fernando Arauco Villar National University of the Center of Peru
  • Noemí Mayorga Sánchez National University of the Center of Peru



Seroprevalence, Seroconversion, Viral Bovine Diarrhea, Neosporosis


The dynamics of viral diarrhea seroconversion bovine (DVB) and neosporosis was determined in 111 animals from the stable of EEA El Mantaro-UNCP, Junín región as well as evaluating the presentation of persistently infected animals (PI) and the implication of the presence of DVB on milk production. Three surveys were carried out in a year, by means of the ELISA test. The prevalence of DVB average was 73.5 %, the dynamics of their sero-conversion was growing at the time, and the prevalence of animals PI was 5.4 per cent, with a 50% animals younger than one year. The average prevalence of neosporosis was 11.8 % and seroconversion dynamics grew with time, tending to steady climbing, although with moderate values. The age and the greatest services/pregnancy number was significantly greater for DVB than for neosporosis; cows repeaters cases and abortions were more associated with DVB which with neosporosis, there exists a low correlation between the presentation of cases of DVB and neosporosis, sack causes due to reproductive problems were most decisive (61 %), than the causes by production and conformation problems, with no association between milk production by cows campaign and the positive cases of DVB in the herd


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Author Biographies

  • Fernando Arauco Villar, National University of the Center of Peru

    National University of the Center of Peru

    Faculty of Zootechnics

  • Noemí Mayorga Sánchez, National University of the Center of Peru

    Faculty of Zootechnics


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Area II - Agricultural Science

How to Cite

Seroconversion of bovine viral diarrhea and neosporosis and productive and reproductive implications in cows in the EEA El Mantaro-UNCP, Junín region, Perú. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 29-33.

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