Market for meat and breeding guinea pigs, in urban areas of the province of Satipo
guinea pigs, market research, Sa-tipoAbstract
The aim of the study was to determine the applicant and unmet demand for meat and breeding guinea pigs in urban areas of the province of Satipo, Junín region population. The analysis variables were applicant guinea pigs for meat and breeding, supply, demand and supply demand balance for both guinea pigs for meat and breeding population. The study was not experimental transeccional. Stratified one each urban area in different districts of the province of Satipo was collec-ted. The largest proportion of residents who consume cuy meat was in the district of Sati-po, Rio Black and Mazamari, being lower in districts Pangoa and Rio Tambo. The appli-cant of guinea pig meat in urban areas of the province of Satipo, population is 40115.99 inhabitants, and there is unmet demand for the consumption of guinea pig meat in the in-habitants of the urban areas of the districts of the province of Satipo, being of 60370.22 cu-yes 2014, and projected to 2017 63764.35. spawning the applicant guinea pigs, in urban areas of the province of Satipo is 13503.44 breeders, and there is unmet demand for bre-eding guinea pigs to provide breeders urban areas of the districts of the province of Sati-po, with players 87787.03 2014, 92722.58 and 2017 players. mentioned the hypothesis is accepted that if there applicant and unmet demand for meat and breeding guinea pigs, in urban areas of the province of Satipo po-pulation.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Luis Bazán A. ##common.commaListSeparator##Celia Laimes A. ##common.commaListSeparator##Guisela Palomino P. ##common.commaListSeparator##Flor Babilon A.
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