Family Dysfunction and bullying of students of the I.E. September 17, district Tambo-Huancayo
Family dysfunction, bullyingAbstract
The study conducted is descriptive correlational level, the problem is what is the relationship between bullying and family dysfunction in students of School 17 September AA.HH. Juan Parra del Irrigation District of El Tambo? the goal is to determine the relationship between bullying and family dysfunction, the hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between bullying and family dysfunction. The population was 280 students, the sample was the same population. Techniques were the scale to identify questionnaire- Bullying cases and secondly to varying dysfunctional families used the Family APGAR, design It was not experimental descriptive correlational and to demonstrate the relationship between bullying and family dysfunction Pearson's correlation was used. The result is family dysfunction is mild bullying manifests verbally by 39%, physical in 30.3%, 22% social and psychological by 8.6%; in addition there is a direct and high ratio (highly significant) of 0.724 between the variables of family dysfunction and verbal bullying. The conclusion of this study is that there is a direct and highly significant relationship between Family dysfunction and bullying among students in the IE September 17.
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