System, sub system, holístico, economic, political, culture, social, sub development, developmentAbstract
One of the concerns of all societies is how to reduce the high levels of poverty and extreme poverty, a scourge which punishes millions of human beings. What progress has been made in scientific development to improve substantially the living standards of millions of poor? Since this is an important topic of long standing, there are several scholars who have made a wealth of contributions in this regard. But as we know the results have been achieved have not been significant.
Thus, to explain the underdevelopment and poverty combat is not enough consider the sector focus. The systemic approach must be applied to understand the Latin American and Peruvian underdevelopment and also to design and implement public policies that enable substantial improvements in the welfare of all American and most of all Peruvians. The systemic approach considers society organized as a unitary whole, which is composed of subsystems or components. These are interrelated and interdependent. Thus, understanding the society as a system comprised of three subsystems: Market, State and civil society, which in turn determined by their actions and behavior are products of variables: economic, political, social and cultural relations between the most important. These subsystems and identified variables explaining the underdevelopment and allows us to understand what must be done to achieve the desired development
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