
  • YamillBarrionuevo Inca Roca Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Wilmer Aliaga Tabraj Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Nadia Yaranga Rodríguez Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



productive sectors, competitiveness, economic corridors


The analysis of regional performance in economic, administrative, social and political matters has provided the elements to bring the new competitive approach to regional development. Thus, the productive sectors will become the basis for implementing a coordinated set of activities and achieve development in the geographical areas reflected in economic corridors with the organized participation of the population. The identification and realization of investment opportunities will occupy an important place in regional growth in the coming years, particularly in the agriculture, forestry, tourism, fisheries and handicrafts, it will generate employment necessary to enroll the youth in the region. The growth in demand for organic products in the world market, the trend towards increased consumption of plant foods, evaluate products like maca, grains Andean native potatoes, artichokes, among others, gives strength to the region, occurring in some basins and sub basins, which have unique ecological and climatic conditions. The exploitation of mineral and metallurgical resources must be related to  the conservation of the environment in which the state plays the role and mission of supervisor, to fulfill certain rules of the game within a framework of sound management of natural resources. The study is the product of a focus on development of various economic sectors in an effort to propose the mission that the authorities and people  mostly arise for the region in the future related to the identification of investment opportunities development for the production of goods and services under a market-oriented business  approach.


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Cotler, Julio, Clases, Estado y Nación en el Perú. IEP, Lima. 2008.

Cuencas hidrográficas. Documento no publicado en revisión

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Diagnóstico de los valles del Mantaro y Tarma; PN-PMI. 2008.

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Diagnóstico Socio Económico para el Reforzamiento de los Centros Poblados en el valle del Mantaro; INP. 2007.

Documentos con información estadística del departamento de Junín, según varias fuentes: INEI, Ministerio de Agricultura-región Junín, etc.

Economía Ecológica. Por Fac. de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas, Postgrado en Economía. Colombia. 2009.






Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

INFLUENCE OF COMPETITION IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION JUNÍN. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 8(1), 63-69.

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