capsaicinoids, supercritical-fluid – CO2, nordihidrocapsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, capsaicinAbstract
The chromatograms obtained allowed to identify and quantify the fractions of capsaicinoids of the oleoresin of Capsicum sp. (Hot peppers) T2 treatment at 40 ° C and 400 bar, permitted greater extraction as opposed to other conditions, being Nordihidrocapsaicin (NDHC) = 770.51 (17%), Capsaicina (CAP) = 1471.22 (33%) and Dihidrocapsaicina (DHC) = 2116.19 (49%) for a total of 4357.92 u/g ms of capsaicinoids, and with a pungency of SHU = 65368.76, the relationship of these fractions indicates that the dihydrocapsaicin 1:0.69:0.36 is in greater proportion in this species of Capsicum sp. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the SFE-CO2
is an available method for routine extraction of capsaicinoids from dried and ground rocoto with 12% humidity and with many advantages of easy removal, free of contaminants, and rapid quantification of fractions of capsaicinoids.
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