Conception of the World of Teachers and the Academic Performance of Students
Conception of the world, academic performanceAbstract
The interpretation and transformation of social phenomena, natural and of thinking, is manifested only through two conceptions of the world: idealistic or materialistic. There is no third possibility. For example, the idealism around the problem of the historical process, justifies the crisis of capitalist formation as a problem, fundamentally spiritual of man, and that the disintegration of said society will be the disappearance of the "universal culture". In opposition to it, dialectical materialism holds, that as a social matter we are, we also submit ourselves to the laws of social movement; there is no material in arbitrary movement, without direction or orientation and that we are subject to certain social laws. Education as an important factor in the development or failure of society, leads to teachers, merit or responsibility, respectively. Therefore, what is the relationship between the teachers' conception of the world and the academic performance of their students.
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