Transfer of the paternal role to children (parenting) in the Chala Nueva Populated Center




A characteristic of the Andean settlers settled in the Concepción Province, Junín Region, is the development of livestock activity; the members of the rural family are involved in it, forming family businesses. The objective of the research is to identify how the transfer of the paternal role to rural childhood (child, puberty and adolescent) (parenting) is presented. Family dynamics is formative, it promotes the development of its members, thus the infant (child, pre-pubescent, puberty and adolescents) actively participate in agricultural activities, parents move to the huts and transfer the adult role to the infant, producing the parenting. Qualitative study, of phenomenological design, shows the practices of the Andean adult on the rural parenting processes; 7 infants of both sexes are interviewed with an in-depth interview guide. The results show that parents do not make use of their obligations and inappropriately transfer duties to their children of both sexes for long periods of time, when they move to the huts according to the annual livestock calendar (mating, birth, benefits and sale of sheep and cattle); adult travel to local fairs seriously compromises the rights and the necessary evolutionary process of the child, of studying, recreation, playing, etc. It is concluded that parents engaged in livestock activities, transfer to their children, mostly women, adult obligations such as caring for their siblings, school attendance, animal care (family business) and third parties, compromising school performance and violation of their rights.


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How to Cite

Transfer of the paternal role to children (parenting) in the Chala Nueva Populated Center. (2021). RSocialium, 5(1), 196-206.