Open science policy
All data and metadata that support or are the source of the information shown or the findings described in the submitted manuscript must be included in the article as tables, appendices, or accessible in open access, that is, deposited in an open access public repository, or provided as part of the manuscript to be published. PU Journal does not allow references to "data not shown." Authors must submit the following data: the values behind the means, standard deviations, and other measures reported; the values used to construct graphs; the points extracted from the images for analysis.
The repositories where the data that support the work can be deposited must be reliable. They can be thematic and with specifically structured data (for example, GenBank for sequences and PDB for structures), or general repositories that accept multiple types of data in appropriate formats, or be institutional repositories, provided that they provide persistent identifiers (DOI, Handle), or accession numbers or codes (LSID) and the data have open access use licenses (such as CC BY) as part of the metadata.