Social exclusion under the gender perspective in the rural communities of Copca and Santa Rosa de Roncha


  • Luis Gonzaga Cárdenas Espejo Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Esteban Puchoc Cuestas Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Gender approach, exclusion, pre-carious employment, income concentration, basic services, roles of women and men, vul-nerable groups


In recent decades, many Third World coun-tries have achieved significant economic growth rates. However, in many of them the poverty rate has remained low or decreased significantly. In this context, companies feel the need to develop specific strategies for so-cial inclusion that achieve greater equality of opportunity and the elimination of the distan-ces in the social, economic and political parti-cipation between men and women.  In this sense, this research on “Social Ex-clusion Under a Gender Approach in Rural Communities in Copca and Santa Rosa de Roncha” sought to describe and compare the behavior of the characteristics of social exclu-sion to determine how it is to be opportunities arise differences between men and women, the interrelationships between them and the different roles that they are socially assigned. The scientific method was assumed as a ge-neral method for the development of the re-search in question. Also, were applied as par-ticular deductive and inductive methods. Parametric Mann Whitney U test, chi square test and allowed to set as exclusion charac-teristics in the study area income and preca-rious employment.  The main conclusion of the research is to be developed in the community of Copca income level and precarious employment are charac-teristics of social exclusion. While in the com-munity Roncha, only income is a characteristic of social exclusion.


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

Social exclusion under the gender perspective in the rural communities of Copca and Santa Rosa de Roncha. (2020). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 68-84.