Effects of the attributes valuation of drinking water service on the economic well-being of domestic users in the Huancayo metropolitan area


  • Victor Bullón García National University of the Center of Peru




Drinking water service, Water ecosystem services, Economic well-being, Users of medical services, Total DAP, Marginal DAP


The low economic value of the use of drinking wáter service is present in the preferences of people in the

Metropolitan area of Huancayo (Junin, Peru). This study determined how the assessment of the different levels of the attributes of the drinking water system affects the change in the economic well-being of domestic users in the Huancayo metropolitan area.

The used methodology was cross-sectional and experimental design data for 400 household heads, domestic users of the service were analyzed and answered a questionnaire about choicing alternatives to improve the service in relation to the status quo or initial situation in 18 sectors of service distribution.

It was observed that in front of interventions of improvements and willingness to pay marginally for each level of the attributes of the drinking water service system, domestic users increase their economic well-being in S/. 9,40 soles a month, in constant interaction with the socio-economic factors as the income level and the age of the head of household.

Future studies are necessary to keep gaining consistency in the causal relationships between the payment elements of hydric ecosystemic services and the design and implementation of regional public policies to guarantee the supply of safe drinking water.

The designers of tariff structures with payments for wáter ecosystemic services, the cost-benefit evaluators of interventions and the makers of regional public policies, will appreciate and incorporate the economic value of the attributes of the potable water system, in the best state of the art of economic welfare achievable.


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

Effects of the attributes valuation of drinking water service on the economic well-being of domestic users in the Huancayo metropolitan area. (2021). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 15(1), 145-156. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2018.15.865