Study of the milk refrigeration and preservation system in Mantaro valley


  • Hugo Morales Quispe National University of the Center of Peru



Refrigeration system, Preservation, Dairy, Distribution


The present work becomes a major concern about a mass consumption product and a preponderant activity in the Mantaro Valley being agriculture and cattling in the rural sector the most visible.

The milk, a dairy product derived from cows, requires a rigorous treatment in all of its stages due to the presence of microorganisms that are found in the rural environment.

The conservation is oriented from the first moment on obtaining milk by means of a process that reaches temperaturas above 30 °C then it is cooled by different methods to 15 °C and 13 °C. Temperature must reach 4 °C or 5 °C for adequate transport and marketing. From the point of view of the conservation of lower temperatures than the environment, tools are needed, such as refrigeration to solve the problema of reaching lower temperatures.

In the first part of the paper, a referential theoretical framework is presented which allowed having a panoramic view of the work and then posing the problem, to later deal, through developing the topic, with statistical studies of population behaviour, particularly in the points of milk production in the area. In the central part, the specialized study on refrigeration engineering was carried out, getting to determine the characteristics of the necessary basic equipment for a plant of cold to conserve milk in optimum conditions. The used metodology was analysis and synthesis supported by statistical studies to have a closer to reality position. The work is consolidated with necessary conclusions and recommendations. It is analysis and synthesis with the support of statistical studies in order to have a position closer to reality. The work is consolidated with the necessary contributions, conclusions and recommendations


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

Study of the milk refrigeration and preservation system in Mantaro valley. (2021). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 15(1), 105-109.