Occupational diversification and the socioeconomic differentiation process of rural families in the district of Chupaca, 2016


  • Filoter Tello Yance National University of the Center of Peru
  • Mauro Rafaele de La Cruz National University of the Center of Peru
  • Wilfredo Bulege Gutiérrez UContinental




Occupational diversification, Socioeconomic differentiation, Rural family


The research problem arose with the objective of analyzing the influence of occupational diversification in the socioeconomic differentiation process of rural families in the district of Chupaca, 2016; and as specific objectives, the following were proposed: Analyze the influence of occupational diversification on the level of socioeconomic income of rural families, characterize the influence of occupational diversification on the social conditions of families in the Chupaca district and explain the influence of the occupational diversification in the structure of layers and social classes among the families of the district of Chupaca. In the development of the research, the descriptive, analytical and inductive method was used. In the fieldwork process, the survey technique and its instrument were applied to 96 informants. The data were processed with the help of the statistical program SPSS version 24, the results were compared with the chi square test for the Independence of criteria, 95% of statistical confidence, the results show that the majority of rural families in the Chupaca district do not have occupational diversification (61.5 %), 30.2 % Little diversification and 8.3 % moderate diversification; according to the occupational diversification, there are significant differences in economic income (C = 0.44), educational level (C = 0.388), possession of basic housing services (C = 0.416), access to some social program (C = 0.394), participation in social activities (C = 0.278), organization of family holidays (C = 0.3), structure of social strata (C = 0.519) and structure of social classes (C = 0.371) of families of the Chupaca district. The conclusions: occupational diversification significantly influences the socioeconomic differentiation process of rural families in the Chupaca district; occupational diversification significantly influences the level of socioeconomic income, social conditions and the structure of layers and social classes among rural families in the Chupaca district.


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Author Biographies

  • Filoter Tello Yance, National University of the Center of Peru

    Professor of the Faculty of Sociology

  • Mauro Rafaele de La Cruz, National University of the Center of Peru

    Professor of the Faculty of Sociology


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Occupational diversification and the socioeconomic differentiation process of rural families in the district of Chupaca, 2016. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 83-93. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2017.14.703