The intervention of social work in the educational institutions of the Junín región


  • Eugenia Fabián Arias Vda. de Rivera National University of the Center of Peru
  • Luz María Vilcas Baldeón National University of the Center of Peru
  • Nina Noris Vilcapoma Flores National University of the Center of Peru
  • Nidia Gladys Matos Maldonado National University of the Center of Peru



Social Work Intervention, Object of Work, Functions


The objective was to characterize the intervention of social work in the educational institutions of the Junín region. The type is basic, of descriptive level, and non-experimental, transactional, descriptive design. The units of analysis were social workers labouring in public and private educational institutions and the sample was 15 female social workers, the sample was the same as the popullation. The instrument was the validated questionnaire using the coefficient of V agreement of Aiken, where all the indicators of the measuring instrument are valid from 0.72 to 0.99 which indicates the validity of the content and the technique was the survey.

The results revealed that 79 % of social workers stated that the object of intervention in the educational institutions of the Junin region are the problems and/or social needs of the students; the objective of intervention is the integral formation of the students. 79 % considers that the most frequent functions are the assistance (immediate attention and other) and administrative. 100 % stated that the most predominant forms of intervention are group and individual, in addition, 80 % considered that the intervention process is the diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation of activities. The conclusion is that social work predominantly is administrative, assistance and social education.


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Author Biographies

  • Eugenia Fabián Arias Vda. de Rivera, National University of the Center of Peru

    Teacher of the Faculty of Social Work

  • Luz María Vilcas Baldeón, National University of the Center of Peru

    Teacher of the Faculty of Social Work

  • Nina Noris Vilcapoma Flores, National University of the Center of Peru

    Student of the Faculty of Social Work

  • Nidia Gladys Matos Maldonado, National University of the Center of Peru

    Teacher of the Faculty of Social Work


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

The intervention of social work in the educational institutions of the Junín región. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 73-81.