Substitucion of sodium nitrite by anthocyanins of atomized mastuerzo flowers, incolor, antioxidant capacity and accetability of Frankfurt type sausages


  • Clara Raquel Espinoza Silva National University of the Center of Peru
  • Miguel Ángel Quispe Solano National University of the Center of Peru



Cress, Atomization, Anthocyanin, Sausage, Nitrates


The objective of this research is to replace sodium nitrite by atomized anthocyanin extract of the Orange petals of mastuerzo flowers (Tropaeolum majus L.) in Frankfurt type sausages, the study type is applied research and experimental level, to that purpose anthocyanin pigment of the mastuerzo was extracted by encapsulating with maltodextrin (10 DE) at 9 % and dried by atomization in a Mini spray dryer B-290 at 110 °C giving 1100.43 mg pelargonidin-3-glu/100 g of anthocyanins and 1519.84 μmol Tro-lox/g of antioxidant capacity. Sodium nitrite was replaced by anthocyanin atomization in the formulation of Frankfurt- type sausage in 50 %, 75 % and 100 % proportions. After sausage scalding, a presence of anthocyanins of 0.09 to 0.55 mg/100 g of anthocyanins and 9.25 to 20.30 μmol/g of antioxidant capacity was observed among the different substitutions (p<0.05). It was also found that the formulation which presented the best attributes in color (L*=63.31, a*=5.99, b*=13.45 and Rank 58.81) and flavor (Rank 57) was the 50% substitution; no statistical difference was observed (p>0.05) with respect to smell and texture, sausages in the different substitutions are within permitted limits for the microbial load established in NTS-N° 071.


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Author Biography

  • Clara Raquel Espinoza Silva, National University of the Center of Peru

    National University of the Center of Peru

    Faculty of Engineering in Food Industries


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Area II - Agricultural Science

How to Cite

Substitucion of sodium nitrite by anthocyanins of atomized mastuerzo flowers, incolor, antioxidant capacity and accetability of Frankfurt type sausages. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 21-28.