Job satisfaction and productivity in teachers of the Faculty of Nursing of the UNCP. Huancayo, 2016


  • Guillermina Delia Pérez Gutarra National University of the Center of Peru
  • Rossana Mirtha Scarsi Maratuech National University of the Center of Peru.
  • Alicia Lourdes Merino Lozano National University of the Center of Peru.
  • Bruno Habich Scarsi



Satisfaction, Productivity, Scientific Production


One issue of great interest to management researchers is the relationship between satisfaction and productivity. The usual question is whether the satisfied workers are more productive than the dissatisfied, it is understood that productivity is an indicator of the efficiency and competitiveness of the institution. The general objective of the present investigation is: determining the relation of the labor satisfaction and the productivity of teachers of the Nursing Department of the UNCP. The sample consited of 26 teachers from the nursing department who answered the job satisfaction questionnaire and the productivity questionnaire. The conclusions were: the lecturers of the Nursing Department (38 %) have an average level of job satisfaction, and 30 % have a low level of satisfaction compared to 30 % who have a high level of job satisfaction. The research productivity of nursing department is low, although annual researches are carried out, the weakness lays in the publication of the same in indexed or prestigious journals, with little or nil publication in many cases. It has been verified that there is no relation between lecturers’ job satisfaction and the low productivity they have; regardless of the satisfaction level, the majority have low productivity.


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Author Biography

  • Guillermina Delia Pérez Gutarra, National University of the Center of Peru

    National University of the Center of Peru

    Faculty of nursing


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Area I - Health Sciences

How to Cite

Job satisfaction and productivity in teachers of the Faculty of Nursing of the UNCP. Huancayo, 2016. (2020). Prospectiva Universitaria, 14(1), 11-12.