Organizational culture and leadership styles of proffesors and administratives of the faculty of communication


  • Miguel Ramón Llulluy Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • José Vilcapoma Chambergo Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Jorge Jaime Valdez Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Culture, organization, styles, leadership


The correlational study aims to characterize the organizational culture and leadership style, and determine the existence of correlation between these variables, teachers and administrative staff of the faculty Communication Sciences of the National University of Central Peru a sample of 17 teachers and 4 Administrative workers were applied the instrument of organizational culture and style questionnaire leadership, as the sample is small (n = 21, n <50) and ordinal type so the contrast of hypothesis was performed using Student's t test and the significance of the correlation coefficient r Spearman to 1% highly significant research has concluded the following: The teaching and administrative staff Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UNCP, has a strong organizational culture also faculty and staff paid a democratic leadership style and there is a relationship between culture organizational and democratic leadership style of teaching and administrative staff of the Faculty of Sciences Communication of UNCP positive, high and highly significant (0.761), which reveals that the greater culture Organizational there is more democratic leadership style and organizational culture less there is less democratic leadership style.


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Organizational culture and leadership styles of proffesors and administratives of the faculty of communication. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 113-122.