Impact of economic factors- social and method of entry academic achievement: 2005-2010 faculty of economics


  • Miguel Huaringa Sánchez Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • María Aliaga Guerra Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



economic factors, academic performance


This research work was formulated for the purpose of determining the effect of the factors socioeconomic and mode of entry into the academic performance of students of the faculty Economy evaluated in two cohorts of 2005 and 2008, taking into consideration that the formation of our students, not only is a result of what happens in the classroom, but also influence others factors related to socioeconomic aspects, so it is of paramount importance to know the profile our entrants and contrast it with the profile required. For this purpose we used an ex post facto design, taking information from the transcripts of the selected in the sample provided by the Office of Academic Records of the College Students and records of their socioeconomic chips. Two regressions were made, one for performance academic in note in the first semester of study, and the other with the weighted average last semester
studied at the cutoff date of the analysis, finding different results in each case. It was found that the variable input mode does not affect the academic performance of students of the faculty Economy. When students are in the process of adaptation to college life, the variables that influence their academic performance are: the age of entry and shift studies. Once this stage adaptation arise other variables to explain the academic performance of students of the faculty Economy, they are the type of school where coursed secondary education and the place of origin.


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

Impact of economic factors- social and method of entry academic achievement: 2005-2010 faculty of economics. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 96-101.