Information system and user satisfaction in the direction of social projection FAE-UNCP
Programs, Budget, System of Public Investment, Evaluation, Efficiency, Efficacy and Efectivity of the Expense, Logical FrameworkAbstract
One of the cornerstones of the University is to serve society, applying knowledge gained in the classroom, this is a very important activity of professionals, students and teachers. The Directorate of Social Projection of the Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Central Peru is in charge of managing these activities, planning organizing, directing these tasks, taking much of the responsibility for their care. This administration is currently observed in very poor condition, with slow and inconvenient response to constantly changing reality due to very traditional and obsolete tools which penalizes users of the service provided by the Department of Social Projection, generating discontent and dissatisfaction. Therefore the main objective of this thesis is to determine the degree of relationship of an information system with the level of satisfaction of users of the Social Screening of the Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Center Peru. The hypothesis is “The degree of relationship between Information System and User Satisfaction Social Outreach office of the Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Central Peru High”. So we proceeded to gather information to observe the relationship between the two variables, as the study population having users Office Social Projection. Finally after the development of the investigation concluded that there is a high degree of relationship between Information and User Satisfaction Services and the Social Screening of the Faculty of Business Administration from the Universidad National of Center Peru. In conclusion, it is necessary to have an information system in this direction, as in other similar category, guiding the management performance to meet the expectations of users.
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