Design criteria for decision making in the evaluation of mining alternatives in companies in central region of Peru


  • Victor Javier Mendiola Ochante Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Decision Analysis multiopinion, designing, selection of the mining operation


The design of a mine has a group of processes to reach its strategic objectives and its vision among those that we can highlight: the selection of the method of minning, the geometric dimensionamiento of the mine, the determination of the annual rhythm of production and the court law, the extraction sequence, etc. Does the present investigation fix as main problem, Which are the approaches of design employees in the selection of methods of having mined in the mining companies of the central region of the Peru?; as general objective: “To determine the design approaches; for the selection of methods of having mined in the mining companies of the central region of the Peru” and I eat general hypothesis: “The design approaches used in the selection of methods of having mined in the mining companies of the central region of the Peru, are not good”. You uses the non experimental method, descriptive transeccional. The used design was descriptive simple and correlacional. Concluding that; alone 16.33%, of the mining companies fulfills the design approaches partially for the selection of methods of having mined. Consequently the hypothesis outlined in our investigation been been worth. Being these companies the following ones: Mining company San Ignacio of Morococha, unit San Vicente (Medium mining); Volcano Mining Company S.A.A. (Great mining); Mining Argentum CORP., Morococha (Medium mining). Regarding the taking of
decisions of the selected companies can conclude that alone 5%, he/she carries out a simulation and bill with a design process able to analyze alternative multicriterio. To select the method of having mined extractive optimó is one of the problems of decision multicriterio (DM) in which the decisores should assign a weight to the approaches to carry out a simulation. To solve this problem he/she thinks about the ponderación of variables by means of pesos and the selection of the method by means of the sumatoria of the same ones.



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Area III - Architecture and Engineering

How to Cite

Design criteria for decision making in the evaluation of mining alternatives in companies in central region of Peru. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 55-63.