Tolerance and accumulation of lead in baccharis pentlandii dc as treatment mining tailing substrates
Phytoremediation, heavy metal, tolerance, accumulationAbstract
The use of plant species such as decontamination agents of contaminated soils with heavy metals is an economical and clean technological alternative that deserves to be studied. The study consists of determining the ability of tolerance and accumulation of lead in Baccharis pentlandii DC according to treatment of substrates with tailings. Studied experimental units corresponded to seedlings of 3.5 cm high, which are established in polyethylene bags containing substrates with mixture of tailings; the completely randomized with three treatments and six replications design is adopted. At ten months, B. pentlandii records differences in tolerance and accumulation of Pb, plants experience different and significant growths. The lead storage capacity varies according to the proportion of tailings in the substrate; treatments in the ratio 1 (soil): 1 (tailings) and 2 (floor): 1 (tailings) influence the greater accumulation in the root on the aerial part of the plant. The highest total concentration of Pb is observed in the substrate of agricultural soil treated with tailings in the proportion 1:1 with 400 mg kg - 1 of Pb. According to the values of accumulation this species cannot be classified as lead hiperacumulator.
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