Phytoremediation, heavy metalsAbstract
This research work entitled “APPLICATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL phytoremediation in HEAVY METALS USING annuss Helianthus L. Estacion experimetal Agropecuario El Mantaro has used Helianthus annuss L, which was installed in 03 parcels (A, B, and C) in the experimental station EL MANTARO “the UNCP, to decontaminate pollution by heavy metals (copper, cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, lead, antimony and arsenic and metalloids) in soil, three different stages were taken at soil sampling , before crop, cultivation and after harvest. Soil analysis wiht instrumental analytical method for ICP-MS was used in the Certificate Laboratory analyzed by Indecopi J. Ramon Lima City: the results of the concentration of heavy metals in group A are: Sb (7.00 ppm), As (48.3 ppm), Cd (4.28 ppm), Cu (60.0 ppm), Cr (10.00 ppm), Fe (13 ppm 865.00), Mn (1082 ppm), Pb (111.5 ppm), and Zn (777.9 ppm). The results of the concentration of heavy metals in group B are: Sb (11.0 0 ppm), As (32.50), Cd (3.99 ppm), Cu (38.5 to 24.7 ppm), Cr (10.4 ppm), Fe (17 ppm 002.00), Mn (969.2 ppm), Pb (54.5 ppm) and Zn (554.7 ppm). The results of the concentration of heavy metals in lot C are: Sb (6.00 ppm), As (26.0 ppm), Cd (3.03 ppm), Cu (33.2 ppm), Cr (10, 3 ppm), Fe (18 ppm 285.00), Mn (739.9 ppm), Pb (44.2 ppm) and Zn (426.1) and after plant harvest results were as follows: Lot A Sb (5.00 ppm), As (25, Cd (2.19 ppm), Cu (29.6 ppm), Cr (5.1 ppm), Fe (6 114.00 ppm), Mn (722.1 ppm), Pb (60.07 ppm), and Zn (314.8 ppm) for lot B: Sb (7.00 ppm), As (14.8 ppm), Cd (2.59), Cu (24.7 . ppm), Cr (6.00 ppm), Fe (9780.00 ppm), Mn (699.5 ppm), Pb (39.1 ppm), and Zn (352.4 ppm) and lot C are: Sb (5.00 ppm), As (18.6 ppm), Cd (3.11 ppm), Cu (29.6 ppm), Cr (5.8 ppm), Fe (11 126 ppm), Mn (671.4 . ppm), Pb (43.6 ppm), and Zn (405.7) The results of the
physicochemical characterization of contaminated soil was used in the Agrarian University La Molina, we reported: pH 6.93, 0.58 electrical Conductivity Percent carbonate 6.0, 3.31 Percentage of Organic Matter, cation Exchange Capacity 15.78 and texture. Ground Franco. The concentration of heavy metals by Helianthus annuus fitoextraída L. was analyzed in Peru Certifications certified laboratory in Lima, the method used was ICP-MS and results are: Root: Sb (2.00 ppm), As (10.27) , Cd (2.61 ppm), Cu (18.97 ppm), Cr (2,735 ppm), Fe (3 519.0 ppm), Mn (204.88 ppm), Pb (17.45 ppm) and Zn (298 3) Blade: Cd (1.72 ppm), Cu (29.22 ppm), Fe (256.85 ppm), Mn (129.435 ppm), Pb (0.899 ppm), and Zn (94.93) Stem. : Cu (5,582 ppm), Fe (276.05 ppm), Mn (32,135 ppm), Pb (0.3685 ppm), and Zn (100,135 ppm) Flower: Cu (43.90 ppm), Cr (10.23 ppm), Fe (9006.67 ppm), Mn (705.53 ppm), Pb (47.87 ppm), and Zn. Seed:
no heavy metal concentration is reported with the exception of Cd (0.228 ppm).
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