Analysis of the discussion section of the scientific articles of the faculty researchers UNCP, 2008-2012


  • Hugo Miguel Miguel Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Jesús Hurtado Rivera Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Journal article, discussion, research


The discussion of scientific articles written by researchers of the UNCP teachers, between 2008 to 2012 was analyzed. The study popu-lation consisted of all scientific papers produ-ced annually by educational researchers. The sample consisted of 48 items, obtained pro-babilistically; for N = 2118; Zα2 = 1,962; for a 95% confidence; p = expected proportion (5% = 0.05); p q = 1- (1-.05 = 0.95); d = Accuracy (10%). In each school they were ran-domly selected 8 scientific papers. The survey data come from the database of the resear-chers of the Research Center of the UNCP. With the achieved findings we conclude that; the percentages of levels of data interpreta-tion are: 39.6% medium level; 52.1% low level; and 8.3% from zero level; percentages levels implications of the data are: 6.3% low level; and 93.8% of zero level; the percen-tages of levels of definition of the potential limitations of the study are: 6.3% of the me-dian level; 4.2% of the low level; and 89.6% of zero level; the percentages of the levels of concordance or discordance with previous publications include: 12.5% of medium level; 20.8% low level; and 66.7% of zero level; and the percentages of the levels of the practical applications of the results are: 6.3%% low le-vel; 93.8% of zero level.


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Area II - Agricultural Science

How to Cite

Analysis of the discussion section of the scientific articles of the faculty researchers UNCP, 2008-2012. (2020). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 19-25.