Ecological dry steam generator to counteract COVID-19 in the city of Huancayo




Generator, Dry steam, environmentally friendly, Coronaviru, Eucalyptus


We sought to build and evaluate an ecological dry steam generator to counteract COVID-19 in the city of Huancayo. This system helps to reduce the risk of contagion of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. It corresponded to a technological research of applicative level. The product was an Ecological Dry Steam generator, designed to reduce the load of microorganisms on the external surface of people through a system of dry steam production of medicinal plants such as eucalyptus, kion, garlic and others that are cultivated or grow wild in our area and are recommended by complementary medicine to strengthen our immune system and successfully treat the symptoms of respiratory infections such as coronavirus. The dry steam generated in the closed environment acts as a disinfectant without wetting, allowing the dry steam to act superficially on clothing, thus decreasing the probability of transmission or contagion of diseases such as COVID-19, from one person to another or from one person to a surface and avoiding cross-contamination. The results obtained are that the dry steam generator is within the temperature and pressure values required to generate the ecological dry steam that has sanitation power killing microorganisms and bacteria, thus counteracting the COVID-19 in our region.


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Accepted: 2015-12-14T19:27:54Z.

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How to Cite

Ecological dry steam generator to counteract COVID-19 in the city of Huancayo. (2024). Prospectiva Universitaria, 20(1), 40-47.