• Evaluation of operating parameters to optimize the performance of hydraulic screw turbines in high andean zones of Peru





Hydraulic turbine, Archimedes screw, Mechanical energy


Several communities in the Junín region, such as Huasicancha, Alto Cunas, Pariahuanca and many others in the Peruvian jungle, lack domestic electricity services, but they do have hydraulic resources that can be exploited to provide energy. In this sense, we sought to evaluate operating parameters through experimental design to optimize the performance of hydraulic turbines in high Andean areas of Peru. By means of the VDI 2221 design methodology, different treatments of the hydraulic screw turbine that integrates a continuous mechanical power generation process were evaluated. Following a 23 factorial design, data were collected for the experimental design in the upper cunas irrigation canal. The data were processed and analyzed using MiniTab statistical software. The results showed that the main factors influencing mechanical power were: (a) water drop, (b) screw length, (c) screw diameter and (d) interaction between water drop and screw length. On the other hand, no significant influence of the following factors was found: (a) interaction between water drop and screw diameter, (b) interaction between screw length and screw diameter, (c) interaction between water drop, screw length and screw diameter. The results obtained can be applied to the generation of electric power along the upper Cunas irrigation canal.


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How to Cite

• Evaluation of operating parameters to optimize the performance of hydraulic screw turbines in high andean zones of Peru. (2024). Prospectiva Universitaria, 20(1), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2023.20.1971

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