• Impact of electricity service interruptions on the academic performance of students at a public university in Huancayo





Power outages, Academic performance, University students


The minimum technical specifications that a mobile photovoltaic system should have in order to supply energy to supplies that require energy between 10–15 kWh per day were designed. For this purpose, the design of a photovoltaic system mounted on a trailer type car, which can be easily transported by a vehicle, has been proposed. The design consisted of a system of 8 monocrystalline panels of 455 Wp, with a 5000W inverter with battery charging option, a battery bank consisting of 4 batteries of 300 Ah and a short circuit and overvoltage protection system installed on a board with grounding through a temporary grounding system. In the study, system operation simulations were carried out in 3 cities of the Junin Region one located in the Central Jungle and 2 in the Mantaro Valley. The results showed that it is possible to supply energy continuously with the use of the system even in the months with higher cloud cover and rainfall.


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How to Cite

• Impact of electricity service interruptions on the academic performance of students at a public university in Huancayo. (2024). Prospectiva Universitaria, 20(1), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2023.20.1970