Didactic strategies for architectural composition at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNCP


  • Jorge Pascual Sihuay Maraví Faculty of Architecture / National University of Central Peru
  • Norma Agripina Sihuay Maraví Faculty of Architecture / National University of Central Peru
  • Katherin Estefani Gamboa Gaspar Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru
  • Alex David Hilario Aranda Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru




Didactic strategies in architecture, Architectural composition


A didactic strategy was designed for the significant learning of architectural composition in the design workshop. For this purpose, a quasi-experiment was designed with a pre- and post-test that included students in their first semesters of general studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. In the first instance, the students' learning styles were diagnosed by means of Honey and Alonso's questionnaire. With this information, educational contents, methods and techniques for learning architectural composition were developed and, in sum, served for the design of the didactic strategy. The results revealed disapproving scores on concepts of form and mastery of plastic computers in the pretest, however, after applying the designed didactic strategy, these scores increased considerably to outstanding grades in most of the students with maximums of 17.5 and 20 points in both dimensions. These results showed that the designed didactic strategy significantly improves the learning of architectural composition concepts, so we recommend its application in other groups and generate research to corroborate our findings.


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Original article

How to Cite

Didactic strategies for architectural composition at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNCP. (2024). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 19(1), 32-38. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2022.19.1951