Influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sustainability of mining companies in the Junín region


  • Víctor López Gutiérrez Faculty of Mining Engineering / National University of Central Peru
  • José Alberto Hilario Berríos Faculty of Mining Engineering / National University of Central Peru
  • Julio Braulio Cárdenas Paucarchuco Faculty of Mining Engineering / National University of Central Peru



Pandemic, Covid 19, Business sustainability, Mining company, Immunization


This research work has been developed in view of the impact that the Covid 19 pandemic has been having on mining in Peru and especially, in the Junín region. The beginning of the pandemic means an unexpected event of great danger, the effects and consequences of which are the reason for constant investigations that may generate a way to protect oneself; this is the case with the development of vaccines to immunize the Peruvian population. The research problem is: How does the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic influence the sustainability of mining companies in the Junín Region? The general objective was to determine how the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic influences the sustainability of mining companies in the Junín Region The general hypothesis raised was "The advance and spread of Covid-19 negatively influences the sustainability of mining companies in the Junín Region. The scientific method was used as a general method, the type of research was applied; the descriptive-explanatory level and; the simple descriptive design. From the results of the interviews, it was possible to conclude that the Covid 19 pandemic had many negative impacts on the economic and social side, especially in the first months of the pandemic, but it also has positive aspects that fues the hope that national and regional mining will reactivated, which has been happening and is the most important extractive activity within the Peruvian economy.


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How to Cite

Influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sustainability of mining companies in the Junín region. (2021). Prospectiva Universitaria, 18(1), 125-130.