Violence in teenage relationships partner, registered in the Women’s Emergency Center, District Merced, Chanchamayo 2011-2013 Cases


  • Américo David Meza Salcedo
  • Eva Elvia Huamán Tovar Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Teen, family, violence


Couples when adolescents begin to take the first step in their future relationships or ma-rriages, to form a family. Despite the spread of this campaign, now there is a real ignorance of what is violence from the infatuation stage. Violence in adolescence is a social problem that affects a large number of this population. The Women’s Emergency Centers Chancha-mayo province has found that 70% of couples in this age suffer situations of violence since the infatuation stage. This situation is demea-ning and that injures human rights and clearly shows gender differences. n this research we considered as research question: How violence is manifested in the relations of coexistence in adolescents in the district of la Merced - Chanchamayo 2011 - 2013 ?. The overall objective of research is: Describe and analyze how violence manifests itself in the relations of coexistence in adoles-cents in the district of la Merced, Chancha mayo 2011 - 2013. The general hypothesis that we considered was: Violence in rela-tionships adolescents living in the district of Merced is recurrent men to women, and is expressed in physical, verbal, emotional and sexual form, intended to dominate and main-tain control of the marital relationship.


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Violence in teenage relationships partner, registered in the Women’s Emergency Center, District Merced, Chanchamayo 2011-2013 Cases. (2020). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 134-139.