Effect of different doses of water retainer on the components associated with the yield of quinoa var. Hualhuas

Effect of different doses of water retainer on the components associated with the yield of quinoa var. Hualhuas


  • Efraín Lindo Gutarra Faculty of Agronomy - National University of the Center of Peru
  • Rubén Munive Cerrón Faculty of Agronomy - National University of the Center of Peru
  • Anghely Lapa Chanca Faculty of Agronomy - National University of the Center of Peru
  • Senin Marca Cano Faculty of Agronomy - National University of the Center of Peru




Quinoa cultivation, Water retainers, Water zaba, Crop yield


The objective was to determine the effect of the water retainer Zeba on the associated yield components of the quinoa crop in order to improve the potential yield. The trials were conducted between December  2020 and June 2021, and were based on the use of different doses of water retainer T2: 16.8; T3: 19.6; T4: 22.4; T5: 25.2 and T6: 28 g of water retainer 14 m2 compared to an absolute control without the use of the water retainer. Evaluations were made at 45 and 60 days after planting and at harvest. The best results show T6 and T5 in foliage length, foliage fresh weight, root length and root fresh weight at 45 days, in addition to root fresh weight at 60 days. The same treatments at harvest were outstanding in kernel weight, root length, thousand kernel weight and panicle length. This shows the effectiveness of the use of the Zeba water retainer on the yield components of the quinoa crop Var. Hualhuas.



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How to Cite

Effect of different doses of water retainer on the components associated with the yield of quinoa var. Hualhuas: Effect of different doses of water retainer on the components associated with the yield of quinoa var. Hualhuas. (2021). Prospectiva Universitaria, 18(1), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2021.18.1411