Cavitation control to obtain optimal operating parameters in centrifugal pumps


  • Edmundo Muñico Casas Faculty of Mechanics / National University of the Center of Peru
  • Raúl Jorge Mayco Chávez Faculty of Mechanics / National University of the Center of Peru
  • Timoteo Cairo Hurtado Faculty of Mechanics / National University of the Center of Peru



Cavitation control, Cavitation, Cavitation in pumps, Cavitation parameters, Centrifugal pumps


In this research work we try to describe the variables that influence cavitation in centrifugal pumps with the objective of controlling cavitation to obtain the optimal operating parameters in centrifugal pumps developed in the hydraulic machines laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering. Mechanics of the National University of the Center of Peru. Cavitation is one of the permanent problems that occurs in hydraulic system installations, which consists of the formation of bubbles in the steam due to a depression below the saturation point of the water. The research carried out is of the experimental and applicative type, whose data collection was carried out in the module of a recirculation pumping system that consists of a Pedrollo brand centrifugal pump with 0.5HP power, Hmax. = 40 m, Qmax = 40 l/min and 1” transparent PVC conduction pipes, where the data was taken to perform the NPSH calculations. The result of the research work consists of characterizing the variation of the suction level that directly influenced the NPSHR and NPSHD so that the higher the flow rate has the tendency to increase and decrease this parameter respectively, objectively verifying the foundamental that Mataix (1976) supports.


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Original article

How to Cite

Cavitation control to obtain optimal operating parameters in centrifugal pumps. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 17(1), 81-85.