Prevalence of family violence in women members of the milk glass of Huancayo


  • Layli Maravi Baldeón Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Soledad Garay Quintana Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Wilmer Rojas Carhuamaca Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Prevalence, amily violence, woman


The family violence in women at the different levels is a very height problem and public knowledge that occurs when the man abusing his authority, his strength and power to, abused physically, emotionally or sexually, giving a great advantage, which is accepted by society, it is now recognized as a public health problem.
The research is basic, descriptive level, the method used was the analysis - synthesis, the population consists of women participating in the program Vaso de Leche Huancayo which are grouped into five sectors are making a population of 5997 users ; whose sample is 516 women each randomly; the techniques used were the survey and testimony.
The conclusions that we reached were: 1) The prevalence of physical, psychological and sexual domestic violence in women members of Vaso de Leche on Huancayo city is high; 2) Differences of family violence are according to level of education are significant because a lower level of instruction is greater acceptance of domestic violence by women members of Vaso de Leche on Huancayo city; 3) The strategies used by women members of the Vaso de Leche on Huancayo city to confront family violence are inadequate because they don’t seek help, don’t report violence and are submissive to the couple.


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Prevalence of family violence in women members of the milk glass of Huancayo. (2014). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 124-129.