Bootstrapping Prototyping and disruptive adaptability for the development of a third-generation science-technology park
Third Generation Science Technology Parks, Disruptive adaptability, Bootstrapping prototyping in architecture, Bio-technological transferAbstract
The main objective of this research is to determine how bootstrapping prototyping affects the development of the third generation scientific technological park of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru (UNCP). With a focus on material adaptation in problem solving and the use of multi-criteria design. The research is at the interface between territory, architecture, biology and informatics and addresses the complexity, sustainability and innovation challenges in the design and engineering of materials and environments. The Project is inserted within the scope of a city-territory (CT) and in this the development of a third-generation Scientific and Technological Park (STP) is applied, via mediated matter, making evident the strategic relationship of STP-CT , immersed in a generative modeling of Territorial Intelligence (TI), a situation that enables pertinent and effective management through the use of Delivery Unit and/or CitiStat tools, which validate the R + D + I, of the UNCP, the network of SMEs located within the Central Forest and the TC itself, which constitute the actors and interest groups to be captured as imminent members of the STP and, on the other hand, collect the experiences of four strategic STPs in Catalonia-Spain (STPs: UPC, UB, UAB, Lleida, there is a specific initial agreement with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
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