Influence of the coffee fermentation process (Coffea arabica) on the durability of concrete in laboratory, Satipo – 2018
Fermentation of coffee, Durability of concrete, Calcium carbonateAbstract
The research will formulate the problem with the following question: How does the coffe (Coffea arabica) fermentation prcess influence the durability of concrete on the durability of concrete, in a coffee farm, Satipo, 2018. And whose objective was to determine the influence of the coffee fermentation process on the durability of concrete in a coffee farm, Satipo-2018 This research used Portland cement with a design of f'c 210 kgcm2. In which, test tubes were built and inserted into buckets with pulped coffee. As a result, fermentation was reached within 7 days, the pH changed from 3.5 to 4.5 in the first 4 days to produce 6 liters of mucilage for each 100 kg that directly affects the concrete. The analysis of concrete deteriorioration could be evaluated on test tubes inserted in pulped coffee buckets. Deterioration of concrete over time could be evaluated in each unit of analysis. From which the acidity curve is presented. It is concluded that calcium carbonate influences significantly in the first 20 hours and fermentation is faster in the first 22 hours. It is recommended to continue with the research and to design fermenters with slab and other materials that let to extend the useful life of the concrete and generate more profitability in the coffee production.
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