Evaluation of the organic matter removal from the leachate by means of the electrocoagulation process of the La Mejorada El Tambo dump
Removal of organic matter, Leachate, Electrocoagulation, Pollution, Organic loadAbstract
The ojective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of a laboratory-scale electrocoagulation call for treatment of the leachate from the dump, where found values of 9962.6 mg/l COD, 6822.5 mg/l BOD5, 3620.0 μSm/cm, 3620,0 μSm/cm Electrical conductivity and 4297.0 mg/l total solids were found, these values served as a reference to start the work. Based on the results obtained to perform the electrocoagulation treatment, efficiency of up to 91 % COD and 94 % BOD5 were determined by working with pH 8 and 20 V current voltage and a neutral pH in the simple at the beginning. It must be taken into account that the MPLs are not availables for leachates, so when compared with the MLPs for RWTP effluents, the results obtained are not within the permitted parameters, that is why additional complementary treatment must be carried out.
However, in the conclusion, the physical chemical composition of the leachate from La Mejorada dump was determined, as well as the optimal hydraulic retention time by means of electrocoagulation method with an administrative voltage of 20 v thus obtaining a decrease in the organic load of up to 90 %.
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