Systemic thought, solid residuals, dynamics of systemsAbstract
There is a prevailing necessity to facilitate like contribution to the authorities for the best taking of decisions, in the appropriate treatment of the solid residuals of the District of Huancayo, is for it that thinks about the objective of building a systemic model of the generation and treatment of the solid residuals in the City of Huancayo by means of the soft methodology of the dynamics of systems, this model it allows to identify and to also determine the main variables that influence in the progressive treatment of the organic and inorganic waste, that it serves like an administration tool for the handling and efficient manipulation of the same ones. For what the treatment of the waste or solid residuals are focused from the systemic thought, to understand and to attack this high-priority problem, because the inhabitants generate waste as a result of their different activities that you/they carry out in their means. The city of Huancayo needs to solve this problem that every day is more noxious and it spreads to grow the according accumulation of waste the population he/she goes being increased, at the moment there are not a previous treatment neither recycle plant, for what the contamination continues growing. The pattern is of dominant qualitative focus, I motivate for the one which the general hypothesis more than to be proven, he/she helps to give bigger understanding sense in the appropriate handling of the solid residuals in our means, on the other hand he/she intends the interaction of actions and political as environmental education and social conscience to decrease this growing problem. By means of the simulation of the pattern using the software Stella 8.0 favourable scenarios was obtained regarding the solution of the problem, and that therefore it would be favoured the population in three aspects: low contamination, local heating and sick people's decrease for contamination of waste.
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