Perinatal maternal mortality, reproductive health, fertile ageAbstract
The perinatal maternal mortality presents negative indicators of the reproductive health of the Region and the Country. The maternal mortality indicates the state of health of a populational group, its economic, social, cultural conditions and the quality of its obstetric attention. The investigation had as objective: to determine the factors of risk that influenced in the increase of the perinatal maternal mortality in the hospitals of the city of Huancayo during the years 2001 at the 2004. The investigation type has been the basic one explanatory, with logical historical design, because it was gathered data of the past to describe it, to explain to it and to interpret it. With the obtained results you concludes that, the factors for the death of a woman for reasons of their reproductive function are chronic and tragic. This situation rebounds in the lowest socioeconomic and cultural strata, without access to the services of health, grade of primary instruction, single civil state and conviviente, with high parity and in fertile age, of the urban and rural environment, with reduced prenatal control and the indifference of the public entities. The Regional Address of Health Junín, has in Huancayo faulty readiness of professional human resources and establishments of health.
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