Natural regeneration, Myroxylum balsamun, brinzal, latizalAbstract
The investigation work one carries out by means of sampling in two types of forests of forest production, high and low hill, located in the Native Communities of Gloriabamba and Chamiriari, in the province of Satipo; Region Junín - Peru. For three years, in the high forest, the extraction of the species, Myroxylum balsamun (L) Harms, wellknown as "Estoraque" or "Quina quina", it has been increased in selective and uncontrolled form. Before this problem it was indispensable the necessity to know the capacity of natural regeneration to contribute with the forest reinstatement, to avoid the extinction of the species and lamentable effects as Aniba roseadera happened to the species that I arrive it is necessary to disappear the reproductive material and for ende in extinction danger. The objectives were, to evaluate the capacity of natural regeneration after the dissemination of seeds until the category latizal like base of treatments forestry, to compare the parameters dasometric and to determine the quantity of regeneration for categories; you arrives to the following results: for the type of forest high hill located on 700 msnm, null of it is of the natural regeneration. For the forests of low hill, located among 400 at 700 msnm, the natural regeneration is of 183 plants/ha for the sector of Chamiriari and of 400 plants/ha for the sector of Gloriabamba of the category brinzal; 100 plants/ha of the category latizal for both areas.
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