Prematurity, lung maturation, ultrasoundAbstract
Motivated by the interesting experience in Huancayo Essalud Hospital and published in the international literature, evaluate sonographically for cases of prematurity in our Hospital. Objectives: To demonstrate that ultrasound is effective pulmonary index to predict fetal lung maturity in singleton pregnancies in Huancayo Essalud Hospital during the period between January 1 and December 31, 2008. Design: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective. Material and Methods: Reviewed data from 133 pregnant women at risk of preterm labor treated at the Huancayo Essalud Hospital January 1 to December 31, 2008, underwent transabdominal ultrasound assessment only with determining the rate of lung maturity and gave birth in the institution within 48 hours of ultrasound assessment performed. Results: The rate of lung maturation in Contrado in this study was 27.5%, the mean age was 26.88 + - 7.57, minimum age 14 years and maximum 50 years, gestational age by ultrasound FUR 34.73 and 32.60. The placental ghrado 0 and 1 is increased in the pulmonary immaturity and 2 in the normal degree is smaller, the core is greater in the ossification premature Person index 0616, P = 0.000, the appearance of intestinal pattern, index 0673 person P = 0.000, relative lung / liver which is crucial for premature Kappa index of 0.630 P = 0.000. Conclusions: simplicity, easy application and low cost of ultrasound lung maturity index, are factors that favor their use as predictive index of lung maturity.
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