
  • Aníbal Cárdenas Ayala Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Nadia Limaymanta Álvarez Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • María Mucha Sedano Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú




Psychometric, Edumetric, Statistic applied to the educational investigation


This investigation, identified the levels of discrimination of polytomous items in pedagogic assessments that are applied to students of the educational institutions of Junín region. It had as specific objectives, to establish equivalent factors at 0 or 1, of scores assigned to polytomous items, to elaborate calculation algorithms and to determine the discrimination index of mentioned items in pedagogic assessment that are applied to students of the educational institutions of Junín region. Verifying the hypothesis: It exists levels of discrimination of polytomous items in pedagogic assessment that are applied to students of the educational institutions of Junín region. The investigation is of technologicalapplied kind with a descriptive simple design. It was made in the Universidad Nacional del Centro
del Peru, Education faculty, throughout a year, between 2010-07-01 and 2011-06-30. It arrived to the conclusion that, they are pertinent the equivalences square and the calculation algorithm proposed, to determine discrimination power of polytomous items in pedagogic assessments that are applied to students of the educational institutions of Junín region.


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http://www.yale university.research center.org.usa Septiembre, 2007






Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

DISCRIMINATION INDEX POLYTOMOUS ITEMS TEACHING IN TESTS. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 8(1), 121-128. https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.prospectivauniversitaria.2011.8.1255