subalternity, governance crisis, crisis of representation, weak institutions, the crisis of authoritAbstract
The conflict in the UNCP, was due, among other factors, the voluntary action of a dirigenciale group with politic identity, which was echoed by students of the university canteen base and other areas of students, for its juvenile nature, students rebuttal will have the authority, the adult worldofficial finding on the actions of fighting a joyful
situation and the challenge to authority and also finding attractive experiences and emotions within the movement. The crisis of governance, apart from the voluntary action of the students, is due to a weak authority figure, whose management would be marked by neo patrimonial styles of government, it also contributes to the crisis of representation in institutions and estates. The delegitimization and inability of organs of government to resolve the conflict created a situation of chaos and uncertainty, which was to end the intervention of the Asamblea Nacional de
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