advanced age first time pregnancy, maternal morbidityAbstract
The objective is to determine the obstetric morbidity primiparous years serving in hospital, “Daniel A. Carrión “Huancayo. The results: In the hospital’s obstetrics “Daniel A. Carrión” Huancayo, December 2008 to November 2009, attended 1814 deliveries, of which 19 (1.05%) were primiparous years, 14 women underwent cesarean section (73.68%). The main pathologies were: prolonged labor (15.79%), placental insufficiency (10.53%), RPM (10.53%), acute fetal distress (5.26%), stillbirth (5.26 %), not reported pre-eclampsia and maternal mortality, and associated pathology (42.11%). Most were aged between 35 and 39 (89.47%), secondary education level (57.9%). Only one infant weighed less than 2500 grams., Most had an Apgar score between 8 and 10 (73.69%), congenital malformations are not reported, it was concluded that primiparous years are a small percentage, a high percentage of them ended in cesarean section, and only a little over half an associated disease. Major complications include prolonged labor, placental insufficiency and RPM, followed by acute fetal distress, partitioned vagina, fetus in breech and stillbirth. There were no maternal deaths and congenital malformations in newborns. A small percentage of newborns had low birth weight and low Apgar score. These patients are very anxious and unsure of their ability to give birth safely alone, therefore we
must encourage them to trust a vaginal delivery, safety and preparedness of those who attend must be robust to address the pathology that may arise during childbirth.
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